Posted: 05/05/22
Sunset 27 April - Vanessa Nolan
The time whizzed past – all too soon it was over. The general hubbub of the city, mainly traffic, was a dim noise but the seagulls swooping up, down and over was a noisy reminder of our distance and relationship to the sea.
The city is clearly two halves though, in spite of this, the obvious greenery – trees in particular – was evident and very surprising. Even east and the ‘industrial area’ had pockets of green. One interesting thing I noted was the different window architecture – shapes, sizes, residential, industrial – all fascinating and never thought of before. Trying to get a perspective of the ‘known’ buildings in the city was interesting and challenging.
Thank you for letting me see Hull from a different perspective – maybe I hope to see more instead of just looking.
Thanks Nigel for being there.