Posted: 15/08/21
Sunset 26 July 2021 - RACHEL HOGG
What would have been my Grandpa’s 102nd birthday. Watching the sun set over the city that has been my family’s home for the past two hundred years or so seemed like a fitting tribute. A city whose story is told in its architecture, from the domes of the Town’s Docks building to the span of the Humber Bridge and the fly tower of the Hull New Theatre. The industry of the docks and the peal of bells at Holy Trinity told the tale of my ancestors. As the minutiae of 21st century life played out below, underscored by the rumble of traffic and the cry of wheeling gulls, the world tilted on its axis and a bright magenta sun disappeared below the horizon. Ready to rise again tomorrow as it has done for millennia. The City will change again but the rivers, the big skies and the sunsets will continue on.