Posted: 11/01/22
Sunset 24 November - Layla Hemingway
In the box I thought about my connections to our great City, my home City. I found two old workplaces, the building I attended when studying my University course, the Humber Bridge where I run, the hospital at which my son was born. I looked over to the East and thought about my Dad and Nana. I looked over to the West and I thought about my Mum, sisters and brother. I could see Hessle where I live now – controversially perhaps, but I class this very much as part of Hull. I thought about my first date with my now Husband, in Hull. I thought about me falling in love with him at Spurn Point, I thought about leaving Hull to be with him, then about us moving together, as a family, all back to Hull. I thought about the two more, wonderful children we have welcomed and our completed family. I then thought about my connections with those passing by – particularly after such an unlikely connection with my Companion who taught my Mum at high school over 40 years ago! I thought about any potential connections with these strangers being rooted in our City.
Thank you for a peaceful and inspiring experience. X