Posted: 20/01/22
Sunrise 3 January - Cat Williams
I was hoping to have a really profound comment to make but all I can say really is what a slightly surreal experience – and how the sun itself actually amazed me – I was taken aback at how quickly it actually climbs in the sky! It was so interesting to look across the top of Hull in this way – and still could not tell you what some of the buildings actually are – everything looks slightly in the wrong spot from up here! I was surprised (daft really I know) by how much warmer the East end of the box was as the sun got higher – though ‘weak’ winter sun – it did warm you when up against the glass. It made me less inclined to look West – to my ‘own side’ if you like, which surprised me as I entered expecting to spend more time West. It felt very windy – the West air vent was certainly working! It’s nice to see where city boundaries peter out and you can see countryside creeping in; a contrast to the city centre. The Humber looks lovely this morning – a clear sky. The sun changed colour – from a deep orange to a very pale sun – I’m really not sure I’ve stopped to take note in so much detail before. This was a super experience and feels nice to be part of the unique club of people experiencing this. Thank you Meg, my Companion, also – a welcoming and experienced body around helps especially wandering the College out of hours – a unique experience in itself.